Technical Note 2: Topics of interest in context of modelling for 2050 long-term strategies in the EU and its Member States

Ines Haug, Vicki Duscha, Fraunhofer-ISI.

When developing decarbonization scenarios, assumptions need to be made, future developments anticipated and technological and economic potentials evaluated.

To increase transparency regarding the requirements of the models and to enable an exchange among modelers, the Technical Dialogue was established under the Climate Recon 2050 project. The project wants to support the national process of developing long-term strategies by bringing together a community of policymakers, technical experts and modelers. This happens within two dialogue fora - the Policymaker Platform and the Technical Dialogue.

One part of the first meeting of the technical dialogue in April was the identification of topics relevant to the participants of the workshop series. To identify these topics of interest, an open discussion took place among the participants with introductory talks presented by the project team. 18 topic clusters for future workshop subjects came up. Those are summarised in the summary note "Topics of interest in context of modelling for 2050 long-term strategies in the EU and its MS"

Technical Note 2 - Topics of Interest
Ines Haug, Vicki Duscha, Fraunhofer-ISI.
Date of Publication:
October 2018